ISO 45001
Health and Safety Policy Statement
FWP Limited accepts its legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, its associated Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes. The Group is committed to continual improvement of Health and Safety performance and to complying with current applicable Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation and with other requirements to which we subscribe. This policy will be made available to our customers and other interested parties upon request.
The Directors give their full commitment to doing everything reasonably practicable to protect the safety, health and welfare of all its employees and other persons whose health and safety may be affected by the Group’s business. The promotion of health and safety is a mutual objective of the Group’s Directors and for all its employees. The Directors recognise that people are a vital resource and priority will be given to the effective reduction of risk and to contingency arrangements in doing so. The support of all employees is needed in avoiding accidents, ill health, its associated costs and disruption.
Adequate financial, human and other resources will be made available to ensure the effective implementation of this policy and proper auditing procedures will be established to monitor health and safety performance and to ensure good communication in order to encourage co-operation on the part of all employees which is vital to the success of the Group’s Health and Safety Policy. I fully endorse the contents of this manual. It is issued with my authority and adherence to this policy and procedures is mandatory for all staff at all times. It is a controlled document and cannot be copied unless I authorise it.
This Policy will be kept up to date and reviewed annually or following relevant legislative or organisational changes.