Wesham Rehabilitation Unit

Wesham, Fylde

Client: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
Value: £9.4 Million

The award-winning redevelopment of an existing but long unused NHS site in Wesham, on the Fylde Coast, has created a modern new rehabilitation service for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust. The model focuses on empowering the service- user to gain or recover their confidence and skills.

The whole facility has been designed to help bridge the gap between acute treatment and re-integrating people back into the community.

The technology, arrangement of the building, décor, expansive landscape gardens, and kitchen projects all focused on the service-user experience to ensure that their rehabilitation can take place within a relaxing and positive environment. The result is a showcase of how far mental health design has progressed in recent years.

The new Wesham Rehabilitation Unit has 28 en-suite bedrooms for people who have been in hospital and need support to regain skills and confidence with everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning and looking after their own health and wellbeing.

Expansive gardens and outdoor therapy areas make full use of the site. The centre also includes quiet lounges and a ‘MasterChef style’ communal kitchen where residents can cook all their own meals with staff support.

Community space has also been included within the new entrance block to encourage use of the centre by local people, in partnership with the trust.